Controversial Bitcoin Hard Fork SegWit2x is making a low-key comeback this week, its developers say. The controversial SegWit2x Bitcoin (BTC) hard fork will go ahead on Dec. 28, according to... Read more
Why I find Iota deeply alarming When I first learned about Iota, at Hack The Valley in January, my initial interest was quickly tempered by scepticism when I learned about some of its basic... Read more
Although ‘Bitcoin‘ and ‘Ethereum’ are terms that are often paired together, the reality is that they are vastly different. The only thing Ethereum shares with Bitcoin is that it’s a cryptoas... Read more
An increasing number of people want to fix the flaws of the internet by decentralizing it, including Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the world wide web, Mozilla Foundation, the nonprofit... Read more
“It’s a speculator’s dream,” says former Fortress hedge fund manager Michael Novogratz. Bitcoin was hovering just $300 shy of the vaunted $10,000 mark at one point on... Read more
Gone for good. Just as gold bars are lost at sea or $100 bills can burn, bitcoins can disappear from the Internet forever. When all 21 million bitcoins are mined by the year 2040, the actual... Read more
Blockchain deployment is still gathering steam, but cloud providers are already moving to offer it as an enterprise service. That could help companies who don’t want to take on the exp... Read more
Last week was a big one for bitcoin. The cryptocurrency went a long way toward developing its Street cred with two major announcements. On the consumer side, Square, the small business payme... Read more